Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving '08

It is the Sat. after Thanksgiving and I have to go to work shortly..but first thought I would write a bit.
Thanksgiving was great! Amanda, Phil and Keegan were the first to arrive and while Keegan and daddy played Amanda and I finished dinner.( got to admit most of it was done well before noon.) Rick, Mindy and Tristan arrived shortly after two. I had cooked a turkey with dressing, potatoes combined with peas, a gravy which had Swiss cheese in it, asparagus with cheese, and an apple pie. Amanda brought veggies and a key-lime pie (her speciality) while Rick brought meatballs (yum) and deviled eggs.
So we sat down to a fine meal followed by watching the football game (Dallas of course) checking out the Black Friday ads and playing with the boys. We sat around and visited until about four when Rick and Mindy had to leave and than Amanda, Phil and I cleaned up and sat around and visited some more and than they had to leave.
It was a great day and I thank God for it.

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