Sunday, February 21, 2010

Moments to remember

My youngest grandchild was born in June 2.5 years ago. I am lucky enough to get to watch him every Thursday of the school year, and it the highlight of my week.

Last summer Amanda, Keegan, and I were at the Nursery picking out plants when this happened:
Amanda had gone back to pick out some plants and Keegan and I were talking with the sales agent. I glance down and Keegan has his shorts pulled down and he is peeing in the mud puddle. Of course me being me I begin to tell him he can't do this and pulling his clothing up. Totally confused him to the point that it was months before he volunteered to go to the potty again.
Oh yea the sales man was laughing his but off and telling the little man to go pee on the rocks.

Last week his Mommy changed her hair color..(my beautiful blond is now a beautiful Burnett). After she was done we went to lunch and while we were setting in the booth she turned to him and shook her head and asked if he liked it. He stands up and shifts his fingers through her hair and then he said "OK" and he was done.

The Olympics are on and we were watching the kids come down this hugh snow hill with their snow boards doing their flips and spins and he is announcing that he is the one on the hill and he is the one spinning upside down and it is like he really believes it. At one point he launches his elf into the air from the couch just trusting I will catch him.

He never forgets a game we play and may come back weeks later and want to play with the "monster."

He calls me on the phone to tell me he went "poop" in the wish me Happy Valentines Day....that he fell and got an cut on his head at grandma Jackies.

He completes my life like no one ever has....Thank you God for this wonderful joyful person.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Time vs Life

Very few things change in my life yet time just keep moving.
Another year is upon us, another birthday around the corner, another chapter awaits.
My grand babies are growing and moving on with their lives, another will be graduating and entering college this fall. My Children prosper and move forward with their lives and find joy with their families. My son will soon embrace (I hope he embraces ) the joy, pain, and bewilderment of his beautiful daughters having "boyfriends." I believe that he is strong enough to be there for them..strong enough to listen with an open heart and mind. I believe if they let her Mindy can be a great resource for them.

I miss the Buchta side and continue to make the effort to stay connected. It is hard when you live in a different city and work all the time.

I have a bucket list of things I want to do..and I don't plan to wait until I am old and feeble..well feeble anyway.

My first order of business is to stay healthy..which leads me to this dance class I am taking.. the gym membership I hardly ever use..the walks I love and haven't been doing. Time to get my priories in order. Enough for today...I plan on doing a lot of blogging this year.