Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Special Olympics

Boise hosted the 2009 Special Olympics and I was lucky enough to be able to attend most of the performaces. ....I was so touched by these young people that I cried and laughed and came away feeling renewed.  It is such an honor to live in a state/town that takes on such a great cause and than to be part of it is unexplainable.  I watched one young man who tried with his whole heart to skate backwards and even though he never made it, he was so proud of what he did that the crowd loved him.  He bowed and threw kisses and BELIEVED that he had done an excellent job.  When he fell he got up and tried again and my heart filled with happiness.  If only the world could look at things like that. 

At the Floor Hockey I sat with the Team from Bulgaria and Tim Schriver sat right in front of me. I watch Team USA beat Team Kuwait by one point and Team Spain beat Team Combodia 7 to 2. The players were very competitive and they all came to win. At one point one of the players got upset and his coach made a donward move with his hand and he settled right down. I was there for the finals and watched Kuwait win a medal and they were immediatly on the floor giving thanks to their God...than they were dancing and singing and very very happy.

I took Keegan and Tristan to watch the figure skating and Scott Hamilton and Michele Quan was there.The Vice President attended, but we had to go so we missed him. We ended up sitting in the "nose bleed section" but the view was great. It was packed and noisy so Tristan kept covering his ears and everytime the music stopped Keegan would sign for me to tell them he wanted more music. He would bounce and clap and loved every moment. They were such good little boys and we had a great time.

Olivia,Martha and I went to the Speed Skating we sat with the delgation from Hong Kong and Olivia spent over 2 hours visiting with one of the skaters. Ryan skated the 700 and the 775 and medaled in each event. He was honored to be in our country and to tell Liv about his country. She now wants to go to Hong Kong.

Every event was well worth attending and I am so honored to have been part of the Special Olympics. Kudos to Idaho and to the people who took the time to make this happen. My life has been blessed by these athletics!

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