Monday, April 27, 2009

Not a lot happening in my world right now....I had a has been five years since George passed...celebrating seven years this week with grandchildren are growing up in front of my children are prospering... I LOVE my home, my family, have great friends, and am content with my life. I've lined myself up a bunch of volunteer work this spring and summer. I also plan on expanding my knowdledge of birding, so I don't think I will be bored.

I sent Flat Standley home last week and his transportation was over $9.00, I swear I spent a bundle showing him around town and creating his book. It was fun and for sure a first with me.

The house directly across from me sold to a lady named Chris who was widowed in Oct. I'm not sure how old she is but we have a lot in common, she and her late husband together have 9 children and 15 grandchildren. She is a Boise native who lived in Arco with her hubsand, she is a registered nurse and will be working at St. Als. I think we will be good neighbors and hopefully become friends. I am excited to have her as my neighbor.

My vacation is in two weeks and I will be in Emmett staying with Keegan while his parents are in Australia. I am very excited for them and can hardly wait to have 4 days with the boy. I hope to reconnect with some of my Emmett friends and family while I am there. Amanda and Phil leave on the 10th and will return on the 17. His other granny will come and stay from the 14th to the 17th and I will come home and have a couple of days off and than back to work for all of us.

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