Sunday, April 5, 2009

My House Guest

So Flat Stanley arrived at my house yesterday unannounced, he plans to stay a couple of weeks. He is a friend of my grandaughter Brittne Tooley and they live in Burneyville, OK. He's never been to Idaho before and arrived in a package with wonderful pictures of Brittne and her family. He didn't wear a coat and is dressed in a suit and tie so he may get a bit chilly as we wonder around. I have advised him next time to dress casual and always have a coat.
Today I am taking him to work with me and Wed. we will go to a poetry reading in Garden City, and on Friday we are going on a field trip to try and see the burrowing owls in Pearl. I think he may get to visit Amandas' third grade class and of course he must take a trip to the capital and the train depot. He will spend Easter with us in Emmett and meet the rest of Brittnes family, including her grandpa Ken.
So far he hasn't had much to say but he has a great smile and hasn't made any messes, we will see how he does with the boys on Thur., maybe it will be nice and we can pay some ball. It is too bad he has to head back so soon as we will not be able to take a trip anywhere....but wait maybe one of my friends is going somewhere and he may get to tag along. Maybe Bonnie will give him a massage since being cooped up in that package couldn't have been much fun. I think right now he can go help me mow the yard before we head for work.

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