Friday, May 8, 2009

May 7th 2009

Yesterday my son , Rick turned 37 ,so tonight I threw him a "not a birthday party." What was to have been him and his family turned out to be his sister and his step siter and her husband and his family. I cooked fried chicken, mashed potatos, gravy, veg and home made apple pie. Turned out pretty good and the visit was great. After dinner we all gathered in the front and played with Tristan,Keegan , Martha and Olivia. Martha had her skateboard and before the night was over we had the boys flying across the driveway on their bellies on that board. At one point Tristan was leaning on the board and Keegan came up, gave it a shove, laying down at the same time and off he went. That boy will keep him mom and dad young keeping up with him. He and Tristan are great buddies and sometimes not so friendly but they learn from each other and will be good friends as they grow. It looks like they will get to go to the same school and that is very exciting. Take a look at my dare devil boys....isn't God good with the blessings he gives to us?

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